careful around the workers!
are working where there are missing parts of this document.
Control Help and Documentation
1.1.2 Java
WebStart Manager Installation
1.2.1 Logging
in to use the applets
1.2.2 Logging
in using a WebApp
2.1.1 Software
supplied to other Open Source projects
3 Telescope Control Applications
3.1.2 Star
Chart View Controls
3.1.3 Star
Chart Characteristics Controls
3.1.4 Star
Chart Observatory Settings
3.1.5 Star
Chart StarCharts Controls
3.1.7 Star
Chart Misc. Controls
3.2 Telescope Control Drive Paddle
3.2.1 Drive
Paddle Organization
3.3 Camera Controller and Image Viewer
3.3.1 CCD
Camera Controller and Image Viewer Organization
3.3.2 CCD
Camera Exposure Controls
3.3.3 CCD
Camera Modes Control
3.3.4 CCD
Camera Focus Controls
3.3.5 CCD
Camera Image Controls
3.4 Chat, Message Board, White Board
Hello! And welcome to the Northwest
Astronomy Groups telescope control web site. Here we are engaged in an
exciting, new approach to designing and building a remote telescope control
system. This web site is being developed to create an interactive and
collaborative site on the internet, from which any telescope, and in particular
our telescope(s) at the Vernonia Peak Telescope Observatory, can be controlled
and interacted with. We believe this is a unique effort, since we have not seen
anything quite like this done anywhere else. While there are a number of
efforts going on, to remotely control a telescope from the internet, none of
these efforts are aimed towards providing a solution that reflects the true
nature of the operation of telescopes at most observatories. Instead, these other
efforts provide a single point solution, (and often proprietary) i.e. one
person in complete control of a telescope, with privileged access to
information about or coming from the telescope, from a single web browser or
web application. Or these other efforts provide an automated system of queuing
requests, to some form of batch processing system, whereby users submit
requests for the observations of some object, and receive the resultant image
data at some later point in time.
This is NOT the way a typical
telescope observatory operates. Instead, the operation of a telescope is
usually a collaborative effort handled by a group of scientist,
engineers, and telescope operators all interacting together at the same time.
Therefore, this web site will be aimed at providing a collaborative environment
for the telescope observatorys members and guests. When the telescope is in actual operation we
will maintain the paradigm of having a single operator in control of the
telescope and cameras, but this web site allows everyone to look over the
operators shoulders so to speak, and observe what is happening as the
telescope operations proceeds. Visitors and members will be able to monitor
what is happening with the telescope, share thoughts and ideas, and watch
together as results are achieved.
When the telescope is not in
operation, the various applets and webapps can still be used as simulators.
This does provide some real functionality, such as for example, generating star
charts, or looking at digitized images from a sky survey. However, the real
purpose of having a simulation mode is to provide a framework for development
and offline testing, and for the education of users in learning how to control
and run the various applications
It is true that this web site will
not be able to achieve the same level of synergy that can be achieve by a group
of people working together in the control room of a telescope. However, we feel
that this factor will become less and less of an issue as time goes on, simply
because both the internet and computers will become ever more powerful, and we
will eventually be able to start using additional technologies such as live
streaming voice and video. These technologies will help to create an even
better collaborative environment, and thus build even more from this synergy.
For now, this is a first step and we plan to provide a way to share the basic
tools and information needed for a workable, collaborative telescope operating
It should also be emphasized that
this project is not just a simple application or even a collection of stand
alone applications. Instead it is a well coordinated system of components that
form the front end environment for interacting with a telescope, from the
internet. The focus of this project has been to build these components in a way
such that they are easily portable to other observatories, and to keep costs
and proprietary items to a minimum. All components have been written in the
Java programming language (which can execute on any computer system and is
highly suitable for internet based applications) or come from free open source
projects, such as the ASCOM drivers, the Cartes Du Ciel star chart
generator, the Jakarta Tomcat web
server, and the Jakarta James email servers. There are applets and webapps that
are automatically deployed to, updated, and execute on the users computers;
servlets, mailets, and simulators that are executed on the telescopes server;
and interfacing code to the ASCOM telescope driver objects, the Cartes Du Ciel
star chart generator, the camera drivers, and to the NASA SkyView server. All
of these components have been designed using Object Oriented Design (OOD)
techniques making them highly reusable, easy to adapt and port to other
telescope environments, robust, and easy to understand.
For this first effort, from the users perspective, the web site consists of 4 main
applications. The first application will show a sky
chart of the sky as it exists at the telescope observatory, in semi real
time. Superimposed on this sky chart will be a bull's-eye showing where the
telescope is currently pointed. The update rate, at which any one viewer will
see this image changing, is of course, dependent upon how much of a load there
is on the server which is computing and supplying these sky chart images. This
is why we say these images will be updated in semi real time.
The second application is the telescope control and readout
app. It is from this section that everyone will be able to monitor the status
of the telescope, and see information such as position readouts, whether it is
in slew of tracking modes, and other pertinent information regarding the
operating state of the telescope. It is here that an interface is provided that
allows the telescope to be commanded from the internet by a single designated
telescope control operator. This ability will, of course, be limited to the
primary members of the telescope group, and by means of a token that can be
passed around amongst them, only one member will be able to control the
telescope at a time... However, everyone else on the website will be able to
monitor the telescope control application and see what is happening.
The third application is the image
and CCD camera control app.
It is here that acquired images from the telescope will be displayed, again in
semi real time. After all, what good is a telescope if you can't see the
pictures it is taking, or monitor the results of various experiments that are
being done! This section will have the controls for the cameras (or other
experimental devices attached to the scope) such as shutter times and filter
selections, and will be operated in a similar fashion as the telescope control
The last application is a dedicated
chat area that will allow
everyone who is visiting the site to send messages and communicate both with
each other, and to those who may be at the telescope observatory itself. We
know this is a clumsy means of supporting a collaborative environment, but for
now it is the best we can do on the internet. As we said earlier, other
technologies are coming soon, and we can't wait until they get here! ;-) Please
be courteous and follow our guidelines... Keep the topic of your conversations
focused on astronomy and working with the telescope, and do not engage in flame
wars or any other inappropriate behavior.
Currently, this web site is under
development and not fully functional... This is a testing area, expect lots of
broken links, and functionality for now... But do come on in, look around and
feel free to make suggestions if you like.
Generally, if an area is documented, it means there is at least
simulation functionality available for most if not all of the features of that
particular section of this project.
There is NO connections
to the actual telescope hardware as of yet. I will remove this notice, or
modify it, as actual hardware capabilities and interfaces are implemented.
There are two different approaches
to running the telescope control applications on your system, using applets
and/or webapps. With both approaches, to execute the applications, we use a
computer language called Java which is interpreted by a special program on your
computer called the Java Runtime Environment
or simply the JRE. One of the approaches
is to execute the application as an Applet. The technology for Applets has been
around for awhile now, and they are executed within the context of a web
browser. Most browsers come with a JRE
already installed within them. When the user brings up a web page that has code
for an applet, embedded within that page, the browser will automatically start
its JRE and have it execute the applets code. Applets are used for dynamic web
page content that requires an extensive amount of programming to control their
graphics and/or user interactions. All of the telescope control applications
are supplied as applets and can be reached and executed on the Telescope
Control web site.
Although applets are easy to start
up, i.e. just simply browse to a web page that has them, there are a number of
drawbacks as well. Each time a user visits a page that contains them; they must
wait while the server for that page downloads ALL the code for the applet to
the users browser. For large applets this can take quite a bit of time, especially
over a slow dial up line. Also, an applet executes only while the browser which
invoked it is also running. This can place heavy demands on system resources
and slow down the applet. To get around these limitations, a new emerging
technology which supports web based applications (webapps) is now available,
and we supply the telescope control applications as webapps also.
WebApps are basically applets that
have been wrapped with additional code that allows them to run standalone just
like any other application on your computer. But there are differences and all
WebApps need some additional supporting functionality. This functionality is
provided by a companion program called the WebStart Manager. It provides the
JRE that a WebApp needs, and it provides connectivity between the WebApp and
the server from which it came. To run a WebApp, you must have an internet
connection open and available. When a WebApp first starts up, the WebStart
Manager will have it check in with its host server and check to see if there
are any updates available for its code modules. If there are, it will
automatically download and install them into the WebApp. If there are no
updates, then the WebApp can immediately start running without having to wait
for any code to be downloaded, since all of its code will already be stored on
your computer. This feature greatly improves the startup time of a WebApp.
It is also important to understand
that both applets and WebApps are tightly connected to a host server on the
internet, and while running they can communicate with special programs, called
servlets, that are running on that host server which supports the
applets/WebApps. (See the System Architecture
description below for more information) This ability of applets and WebApps, to
connect to and communicate with servlets running on a host server is what makes
the Telescope Control applets and WebApps work. The applets and WebApps merely
supply a graphical user interface for you the user to see and interact with.
(WebApps and applets, and sometimes along with their associated servlets, are
collectively referred to as the Telescope
Control applications in this
Currently, the WebApp technology
being used by the Telescope Control applications is in a beta testing phase and
acquired from Sun Microsystems. (This is not Microsofts equivalent .NET
technology.) As of this time, the scripts on the web pages, where the
Telescope Control WebApps are deployed from, only support the automated installation
of the WebApps and the WebStart Manager to Windows based machines. As soon as
Sun deploys a full release of their technology, we will upgrade these scripts
so that all platforms and operating systems are supported.
One of the things that irritates me
the most about software engineers is that they often do not explain to others
what is going on when something unexpected happens... (We are all suppose to "know" everything about computers and
how they function, or simply "trust" the software guru to take care
of us, eh?) Therefore, I am going to follow my own advice and give you a heads
up about the software for this telescope control web site...
The code for the applets and
webapps that I have written to control and display the various parts of the web
site, are written in a computer language called Java. Java is a universal
language which can run on any computer, regardless of what operating system or
processor hardware is used. This is accomplished by installing a special software
package which simulates a "virtual computer"
on your system, and runs as a plug-in into your browser. In a fashion
similar to the way that your computer executes normal programs, this virtual
computer software program executes Java code. This special software, often
called the Java Runtime Environment, or JRE for short, is developed mainly by
two vendors, Sun Microsystems and Microsoft, and is available to anyone for
free. And as can be expected, these companies have not stopped adding new features
and capabilities to their software packages.
Us software engineers, of course,
like to take advantage of these new features as they are made available, and
develop our software applications, applets, servlets, etc. using them. And true
to this spirit, I have been using some of the latest features from Sun's
version of their latest JRE, in order to develop this telescope control web
site. What this means to you as a visitor to this web site, is that in order
for you to see the results from my Java applets or webapps, you are going to
have to have this latest version of the JRE installed on to your system and
into your browsers, as well. Don't worry, this isn't to
painful and has been automated as much as possible! ;-)
When you enter this telescope web
site, the code I have written will tell your browser what version of the JRE is
required in order for the applets or WebApps to run. If your browser or system
does not have that version already installed, then I have written some
JavaScript to have your browser notify you that you need a new
"plug-in" for the JRE. This script will then redirect you to a
location on Sun Microsystems web site where you can get a copy of the JRE
plug-in and download it onto your computer. Go ahead an go there, and jump through
all their legal hoops, agree to their license terms, and grab yourself a copy
of this freebie and download it onto your system. Depending upon what browser
you are using, it may or may not automatically install itself into your
browser. If it doesn't, then it will come to you as an installation executable
file and ask you where you want to put it on your system. Once you have it
downloaded, you will then have to exit the browser, go to that directory, and
execute the JRE installation program. (Make sure you remember the name of the
program, it is kind of weird and not a logical name for this program) If you
are on a Windows computer, of course you will have to jump through the usual
Microsoft hoops and reboot your system after you have installed the JRE. Sorry
about this, but at least this is only a one time hurdle that you have to go
through... (Unless, of course, I decide to use an even later version of the
JRE, sometime in the future, in order to use even more of Sun's new fancy bells
and whistles, on this web site!) ;-)
To run the telescope control applications as
webapps, you will also need to install a utility on your machine for the Java
Web Start manager. The first time you attempt to download a WebApp onto your
computer, the install process will detect that you do not have the web start
manager and it will automatically guide you through the process and install it
for you. When finished, for any Java historical buffs, you will have an icon
showing the famous Java ring sitting on your desktop. When you execute the
WebStart manager, change the View so you see the Downloaded Applications and
this will show you the telescope control applications that have been
Each of the telescope control webapps must
be downloaded separately, but it is only for the first one that you will have
to jump through the additional hoop of installing the Java WebStart Manager.
All of the webapps can be installed by clicking on the appropriate link on the
Telescope Login page, and are shown below. When you install them, you will
be given the option of installing shortcuts on your desktop and in your Start
menu. (They will always be installed in the Java WebStart Managers downloaded
applications section and you can start them from there as well.) The icons
which represent each of the telescope control webapps are also shown on the
Telescope Login page.
There are two login points of
access to the Telescope Control applications, depending on whether you wish to
run applets out of your browser, or webapps off of your desktop. Both
accomplish basically the same thing, which is to inform the server that a new
user is accessing the web site, and to determine what privileges should be
assigned to the user. The user is free to choose whatever identifier he/she
wishes, but if the identifier is already in use, then the login server will
modify the identifier by adding a numeric suffix to it.
Members who have been given
the club password should use it when they log in. This allows extended
privileges to be granted to them, such as the ability to become the telescope
or camera control operator when the telescope/camera is online. (When the
telescope or camera is offline, and simulators are running, then either guests
or members may assume the role of being an operator, but members
still have the right to preempt a guest and assume operator status.)
Guest visiting the website can use
anything for the password field. Eventually if a guest uses his/her email
address, then the server will send them an email asking them if they would like
to subscribe to the mail list and newsletter, along with instructions on
how to subscribe.
image above show the section of the login page on the website that allows a
user to login an use applets running within a browser
for the various application. When the Submit button is clicked, the browser
will show a page with buttons that will launch the applets, some information
about the privileges assigned to the user, and the actual identifier that was
assigned to the user by the server.
Once you have submitted your login
information, you browser will be directed to a login confirmation page. Here it
will show you the identifier that was actually created and assigned to you, as
well as a few words describing your privileges. Also, the login servlet will
direct your browser to create a cookie to
store the login information and privileges granted to you. This is so all the
different applets can find out who you are and what privileges were granted to
you. From this page, you can click on any of the
various buttons to launch different applets, or to logout of the server.
When a WebApp is executed, it
contacts the server to see if there has already been a login from the computer
on which the WebApp is running. If no login is current, then the WebApp checks
to see if a muffin is currently stored on
the users computer with the login information for that computer. If neither
case is true, then the above shown dialog box is opened and the user is
prompted to submit the login information. To login in to this site,
members should enter their name and the club password. Guests may simply enter the
name or an identifier and for the password field, either leave it blank, or
enter your email address. If you enter an email address, I will add it to the
club newsletter mail list. (As soon as I develop that feature, it is not yet
When the Submit button is clicked,
the WebApp will send the login information to the server, and it will create a muffin on the users computer to store the
login information locally. (See below for more information about cookies and muffins.)
Once successfully logged in, you
will be shown the above confirmation dialog box. This again shows you the
actual identifier that was assigned to you by the server. It may be the login
identifier you chose with a numeric suffix appended to it. Also shown is the
privileges which have been granted to you. Simply click on the OK button to
dismiss the dialog box (it is modal meaning that nothing else can run until you
do dismiss it) and your WebApp will start to run. If for some reason, you dont
like the identifier assigned to you, you can click on the Cancel button and
that will take you back to the login dialog box.
The login dialog box is normally
only shown for the very first time you start up any of the webapps on any given
day. Subsequently starting up any other WebApp or restarting a WebApp will only
give you the confirmation dialog box. This is because the login information is
being stored in a muffin and all webapps
check for the muffin and will use that information, if found, to automatically
log in to the server.
Oh, one last thing, we know many
people hate cookies, but we do need to be able to set a couple of them on your
system. So you will have to enable them in your browser. Don't worry, we don't
store any thing bad, just your name and some of your favorite settings for each
of the control applets, such as how you like your starchart displayed. This is
so that we can automatically restore your favorite settings from one session to
the next, and to pass information about you from one applet to another.
Muffins are a lot like cookies and
are also used to store a bit of information on your computer for the webapps.
If you are prompted to grant permission to create a muffin, then go ahead and
allow it. Dont worry, nothing harmful is stored in them, they just make your
life a bit easier. They are used to store login information and some of your
favorite settings so that again they can be automatically retained from one
session to the next. The login muffins will have a lifespan of one day, after
which they are automatically deleted.
The lifespan of cookies and muffins
that are used to retain settings information is settable by the user from
within the appropriate applet or WebApp.
This section describes the internal
architecture and provides and overview of, and links to the software
documentation for this telescope control application. The audience focus is for
other software engineers and technically interested people. Most users can skip
this section and jump forward to the Telescope
Control Applications section below.
The first applet-webapp/servlet pair generates and displays a star chart, which shows where a telescope is currently pointing. It can be used to generate a custom star chart for anywhere on the Earth. The starchart applet-webapp also allows an operator to directly control of a telescope by simply pointing and clicking on an object shown in the starchart. This causes a servlet to generate commands to move a telescope to that position. This servlet controls a star chart generating program, running on the server, and the servlet communicates with it via a DDE interface. A second applet-webapp/servlet pair directly controls the operation of a telescope. This includes a drive paddle applet-webapp with an operations control GUI. The associated servlet couples with a Java telescope simulator, or with ASCOM telescope drivers. (ASCOM is a standardized COM interface for telescope drivers.) A third applet-webapp/servlet pair is used to control and focus the CCD cameras for image data collection, auto guiding of the telescope, and to display images as they are acquired or retrieved from a database. The servlet for the CCD camera controller couples with a Java simulator, an ASCOM CCD camera driver, or with the NASA SkyView server.
Additional servlets and Java class objects have been developed to handle login/logout processes, monitor user activity via separate threads, and monitor/handle communication between the servlets. All applet-webapps use an HTTP tunneling protocol (Java object serialization) to communicate with their corresponding servlet. Support code, which I wrote in Java and some C++, provides communication with custom Java mailets running on a Jakarta James email server, with a MySQL database for the storage and retrieval of messages and images, COM drivers, DDE servers, Java based simulators, and with the NASA SkyView server.
This web site
uses a combination of multiple threads, applets or webapps acting as a front
end to servlets (thin clients) running on a server, and use a protocol trick
known as HTTP tunneling to cause the automatic updates to occur without the
need for the user to manually refresh his/her browser.
documentation for the Cartes Du Ciel star chart Java interface can be seen by
clicking here.
documentation for the ASCOM Java interface classes and Java telescope simulator
can be seen by clicking here.
There are a number of common themes
which run throughout all the telescope control applications. Instead of
describing these features, each time, for each application, they will be
summarized here.
All the telescope control
applications can run as applets or webapps as described above. For the most
part, there is no difference in the GUI or functionality base on how the
application is ran. However there is one important exception. Each
applications GUI has one button that functions as a Logout command in webapps,
and as a Float or Unfloat command in applets. For
webapps, the Logout button logs the user off of the telescope control server
and terminates all running applications. For applets, this functionality is
provided by a regular web button located on the web page from which the applet
was launched from. In applets, this button becomes a dual state Float and Unfloat command. The Float command will allow the applet to
run in its own window outside of the browsers window. While floating this
button changes its functionality to become an Unfloat
command. This will return the applet from its floating window back to the
browsers window.
Each of the applications has a
slide bar that allows the user to set the rate at which the application will
send in information and requests to the server. This rate selection is settable
in seconds. However, it is only a suggestion and may be overruled by the
server. If the server starts to receive too many requests at once, from all the
users, then it will command each of the applications to slow down their request
rates by increasing the lower limit, or fastest rate, at which a user can set
this slide bar.
All of the GUI widgets (buttons,
slide bars, toggle switches, pull down menus etc) which interact with, or send
commands to the server will turn red after their state is changed. (Such as by
clicking on a button) They will stay red until the information associated with
them is actually sent in to the server, at which point they will return to
their original color. (Eventually I plan to make these widgets also change from
red to yellow meaning that the information has been sent in to the server, and
the application is waiting for the response back from the server. Once the updated information is received from
the server, then the widget will return to its original color.)
Buttons that are always red in
color are high priority buttons. If these buttons are clicked on, then the
functionality associated with them is immediately sent to the server without
waiting for the normal update rate to trigger the next request for information
from the server. The servlet responding to these buttons are also designed to
respond to such requests immediately. Emergency Stop buttons are an example of
this type of button.
All of the buttons, and many of the
other GUI widgets, have a tool tip that is associated with it. This helps to
remind a user what the functionality of that button or widget is. To see the
tool tip, simply hover the mouse cursor over the button or widget for a moment,
and the tool tip should appear. Moving the mouse cursor will clear the tool tip
The Star Chart application is
designed present a starchart to a user, to show where the telescope is
pointing, and to possibly control the pointing of the telescope. The front end
of this application runs on a clients system as either an applet or a WebApp.
It presents the above shown GUI to the user through which commands that control
the creation of a star chart can be entered, and the star chart itself can be
displayed. The commands that are entered, or buttons clicked on, are sent back
to a servlet that is running on the server. This servlet in turn relays most of
these commands on to the Cartes Du Ciel star chart application, which is
running on the server, which does the actual work of creating a star chart. Once
the star chart image is created, the servlet picks it up and sends it back to
the client system which requested it, where it is displayed in its GUI.
The Star Chart application is NOT a
simple stand-alone application, as most star chart generating programs are. A
stand-alone star chart generating program can generate arbitrary star charts
for any given set of RA/Dec coordinates, field of view, time, date, and
location of an observer. The Star Chart application can act as a stand-alone
application, for a user, ONLY while no user has assumed the role of being the telescope control operator. However, once any
user becomes the telescope control operator, ALL of the Star Chart applications
are slaved to the telescope operators version of the Telescope Drive Paddle
application. This means that the moment someone assumes the role of being the
telescope operator, the controls of all Star Chart applications (with the
possible exception of the telescope operators own star chart application) which
are use to set the RA, Dec, FOV, time, date, star chart characteristics,
catalog selection, and observatory location, are disabled. (FOV and star chart
characteristic controls are disabled, right now, for performance reasons only.
If the star chart servlet proves to be capable of generating customized star
charts on a per user basis, while there is a telescope operator, then this
restraint may be relaxed in the future.) The star chart servlet receives this
information from the telescope operators drive paddle application, instead, and
it sends the same generated star chart to all connect star chart applications.
Thus the Star Chart application is also used to show all connected users where
the telescope control operator is positioning the telescope. (This is true,
regardless of whether the telescope operator is working with a telescope
simulator or connected to the actual telescope.)
The telescope control operator can
also use his/her Star Chart application to actually control the pointing of the
telescope. This is done by transferring the
control of the telescope drive from the Telescope Drive Paddle application
to the Star Chart application. Once control is transferred, the telescope control
operator can send commands from the Star Chart application to the telescope
drive servlet, either by entering the RA and Dec coordinates directly in the
star charts RA/Dec view fields and
clicking on the appropriate RA or Dec buttons, or by pointing to an object
shown in the star chart image and left clicking on it. This can greatly
simplify the job of commanding the telescope to point to a new object.
The Star Chart application is
organized into 4 basic sections. At the top is a section containing controls
which relate to the status of the starchart application and its performance.
The telescope status offline, simulation, or online is displayed. Two slider
controls and readouts allow the user to suggest a rate at which he/she would
like to send information to the starchart servlet and receive updates from it,
and to set the quality of the image for the starchart that is generated for
each request. The percent of quality for the starchart is directly related to
the size of the starchart (in bytes) that is generated. For slow dialup access
lines connecting the application to the internet, this quality should be set as
low as is tolerable, otherwise you will be held up waiting for the download of
the next starchart image. Note: the timer which controls the request rate for
sending information to the starchart servlet does not start until after the
completion of receiving all data from the previous request. Therefore the
actual rate of updates is the sum of the download time, plus the user requested
rate of updating, plus the servlets time to process each request. If the
servlet is getting to many requests from all users, it will automatically slow
down the rate at which star charts can be requested, thus balancing the amount
of bandwidth it has with all the users.
Then next section contains a
scrollable panel holding the starchart images that are generated from the
starchart servlet. This is the heart of this application. Not only does it
display the star charts, but it can also be used to control the telescope if
and when this star chart application is placed in control of the telescope. By simply using the
mouse to point at an object, and left clicking on it, the star chart
application will send those coordinates to the star chart servlet, which will
in turn convert them into RA and Dec values and forward them on to the
telescope drive servlet. The telescope drive servlet will then drive the
telescope to those coordinates, and inform the star chart servlet periodically
where the telescope is pointing. This in turn causes the star chart servlet to
update the star charts that it is generating, and send those star chart images
out to all star chart client applications. Right clicking on an object in the
star chart will cause the star chart servlet to generate subsequent star charts
with that object labeled, and it will send information from the currently
selected catalog, about that object, where it will be displayed in the starchart dialog panel as described
The third section contains information that
was generated about the starchart that the servlet sent to this application
along with the star chart itself. This includes a legend of objects found in
the star chart image. This legend may change depending on what underlying
catalog was used to generate the star chart images. Next to the legend is a
status light for the star chart. When an object in the star chart is clicked
on, this status light will turn red and stay red until the information about
the object is actually sent to the starchart servlet. At that point it will
turn green again. Also included in the third section is basic information about
the starchart, such as the RA and Dec coordinated of the telescope eyepiece
projection on the starchart (the red bullseye
circles), field of view, date, time, size of the starchart (in bytes), and
information about the observatory location for which the star chart was
The last section contains a tabbed
set of dialogs for setting various different functions of the starchart
application, and for getting information and displaying it, from the servlet.
Each of these dialogs will be described in further detail, in the next few
sections of this document.
Star Chart
Status - Displays the status of the star chart. These
values include Standalone or Connected (to the telescope drive paddle).
Depending on the type of application (applet or WebApp) this
button can log the user off the server and shut down all running webapps, or it
can float a applet in its own window or un-float it an run it in the browser
environment. (see
Brings up a popup menu that allows the user to see the documentation from a
browser, supply feedback, or see the version information about this
Image Quality - This slider controls the quality
of the starchart images that the server will produce and send to this
application. Values range from 0 to 100 percent and are displayed both by the
position of the movable slider, and by the text field next to the Image Quality label.
Update Rate This slider
controls the rate at which the application will attempt to send and receive
data to/from its servlet. This is settable in seconds, and is displayed both by
the position of the movable slider, and by the text field next to the Image Update Request Rate label.
The Star Chart View dialog allows
the user to set the parameters for a star charts right ascension, declination,
field of view, date and time. This information will be sent to the star chart
servlet for the generation of a star chart, and if the star chart is in control
of the telescope drive, the RA and Dec coordinates will also be sent to the
telescope drive servlet to point the telescope at these coordinates. These
controls are only enabled if the star chart is operating in a stand alone
configuration and no one has activated the drive paddle, or when the user
is the telescope operator and has put the
star char in control of the telescope.
The date and time can be used to
control the generation of the star charts in one of three ways. It can be based
on the computer system clock (local time) in which case the entries in the date
and time field have no effect. The star chart converts the system time to local
sidereal time, based on the information the server is supplying this
application about the location of the observatory, and sends it to the star
chart servlet for each star chart that it requests. If the user selects the Hold setting, then
each star chart is generated based upon the date and time last sent to the star
chart servlet. No automatic updating of the time is sent to the servlet which
each request for a new star chart. Offset mode is useful when the users
computer is set to a different time than the time at the observatory. In this
mode, the user enters the time difference between his computers clock and the
clock at the observatory. The star chart application then subtracts this time
offset from the system clock before computing the local sidereal time for the
observatory, and sends this computed value in to the star chart servlet for
each request it makes for a star chart.
RA Right Ascension Clicking on this button sends
the right ascension information to the star chart servlet. The right ascension
is inputted in sexagesimal format using the supplied text input boxes or drop
down menus.
DEC Declination Clicking on this button sends the
declination information to the star chart servlet. The declination is inputted
in sexagesimal format using the supplied text input boxes or drop down menus.
FOV Field of View Clicking on this button sends the
field of view information to the star chart servlet. The FOV is inputted in
sexagesimal format using the supplied text input boxes or drop down menus.
Date Clicking on this button either registers the
date/offset with the star chart application or sends it to the star chart
servlet depending on the mode in which time is being used for star chart
System Time This toggle button tells the star chart
application to simply use the system clock as the time base for generating star
charts. The system time is simple converted to local sidereal time and sent to
the star chart servlet along with each request f or a new star chart. Clicking
on the Date button and the values in its associated date and time fields do not
have any affect in this mode.
Hold This toggle button tells the star chart
application to continue to use the time last sent to the star chart servlet, as
is, for computing a star chart. Clicking on the Date button updates this
reference time with the date and time defined in the associated date/time
fields. The system clock does not affect the time that is being sent to the star
chart servlet.
Offset This toggle button tells the star chart
application to use the last set Date value as an offset from the system clock
for computing the local sidereal time to be sent to the star chart servlet for
the computation of the next star chart. Clicking on the Date button updates
this reference offset time with the date and time defined in the associated
date/time fields.
Sync - Initializes all these fields to the values being
sent to the star chart application from the star chart servlet. (These values
are displayed in the Current Star Chart
Information area which is displayed just below the star chart image and
just about these control dialogs.)
The Star Chart Characteristics
controls are used to select and change various characteristics of the star
charts which are generated by the star chart servlet. These controls give the
user an easy way to do things like change the field of view, add or remove
stars and nebulae from the star chart images, control displays of grids,
constellation shapes and boundaries, and select between equatorial and
azimuthal projections.
Note: These controls are only
enabled if the star chart is operating in a stand alone configuration and no
one has activated the drive
paddle, or when the user is the telescope
operator and has put the star char in control
of a telescope.
Zoom In Decreases the field of view of the next
generated star chart image.
Zoom Out Increases the field of view of the next
generated star chart image.
More Stars Increases the magnitude limit of the stars shown
(if possible) in the next generated star chart image. This is dependent upon
the selected star chart catalog
Less Stars Decreases the magnitude limit of the stars shown
(if possible) in the next generated star chart image. This is dependent upon
the selected star chart catalog
More Nebulae Increases the magnitude limit of the nebulae and
galaxies shown (if possible) in the next generated star chart image. This is
dependent upon the selected star
chart catalog capabilities.
Less Nebulae Decreases the magnitude limit of the nebulae and
galaxies shown (if possible) in the next generated star chart image. This is
dependent upon the star chart
catalog capabilities.
Grid Values Off,
Grid Values On toggles between
having grid values shown, or not, in the next generated star chart image.
Equatorial Grid
Off, Equatorial Grid On toggles
between having the equatorial grids shown, or not, in the next generated star
chart image.
Azimuthal Grid
Off, Azimuthal Grid On toggles
between having the azimuthal grids shown, or not, in the next generated star
chart image.
Switch off
Constellation Shapes, Switch on Constellation Shapes toggles between having constellation shapes
drawn, or not, in the next generated star chart image.
Switch off
Constellation Boundaries, Switch on Constellation Boundaries toggles between having constellation boundaries
drawn, or not, in the next generated star chart image.
Switch to
Azimuthal Projection, Switch to Equatorial Projection toggles between having the next star chart drawn
using either azimuthal or equatorial projections.
The Observatory Info dialog allows
the user to set the latitude and longitude coordinates, the altitude, and the
observatory name for a location for which the star chart servlet is to generate
star chart images. This information may be sent to the various servlets for
generation of star charts, observatory information, and fits headers of images.
Note: These controls are only
enabled if the star chart is operating in a stand alone configuration and no
one has activated the drive
paddle, or when the user is the telescope
operator and has put the star char in control
of a telescope simulator. While the telescope drive application is connected to
a real telescope at the observatory, these controls will always be disabled.
Latitude These fields and radio buttons are used to set
the latitude coordinates of an observatory in degrees, minutes, seconds and
tenths of a second. The toggle buttons allow plus or minus latitude settings.
Longitude These fields and radio buttons are used to set
the longitude coordinates of an observatory in hours, minutes, seconds and
tenths of a second. The radio (toggle) buttons allow plus or minus hour
settings relative to the
Altitude This field is for the entry of the altitude
(height above sea level) for the observatory, in meters. (decimal point is
Obs. Name This field is for entry of a descriptive name of
the observatory.
OK Sends this data to the star chart servlet (for
the star chart generator and for distribution to the other servlets).
Cancel Resets the various fields to their last settings
which were sent to the star chart servlet.
Sync Initializes all these fields to the values being
sent to the star chart application from the star chart servlet. (These values
are displayed as the Current Star Chart
Information area which is displayed just below the star chart image and
just about these control dialogs.)
The StarCharts
dialog allows the user to ask the star chart servlet to find and display
objects, and information about those objects from various different catalogs.
The returned information about the selected object is displayed in the text
display area of this dialog. This feature is not yet complete; to be added will
be the ability to move the starchart and/or telescope to the selected object,
and to generate star charts based on a selected catalog. Therefore this dialog
is likely to change as well.
Send the selected catalog id and the objects identifier to the star chart servlet.
The star chart servlet will return the information found about the object in
the selected catalog to this dialog where it will be displayed in the text area
below the Find button.
Catalog Id
Select from a pull down list of available catalogs. (More documentation about
these catalogs will be made available soon.)
Ident Fill
in this text field with the name of the object to search for. This is dependent
upon the catalog selected. Some examples might be M31, or NGC101. (More
documentation on this feature will be available soon.)
The Star Chart Users dialog
displays all the users currently logged into the Telescope Control web server.
It shows members as well as guests visiting the web site, and the current
telescope and camera control operator(s.
Camera Operator
Displays the user identifier who has assumed the
role of the camera operator.
Camera Status
Displays the current status of the camera, i.e. Offline, Simulation or Online.
Operator Displays the user identifier who has assumed the role of
the telescope operator. This is visible to all users at all times.
Telescope Status
Displays the current status of the telescope, i.e. Offline,
Simulation or Online.
Members On
Site Displays (a scrollable list if necessary) of all members
currently logged in to the web server.
Guests On Site
Displays ( a scrollable list if necessary) of all
guest identifiers currently logged in to the web server.
The Misc. setup dialog is a place for
features that cannot be categorized as belonging to other dialog groupings.
Here the current operator of the star chart application is shown. This may not
be this users identifier if someone
else is the operator of the telescope. The telescope
operator is also the operator of all star charts, and then many of the
features of the star chart are disabled for any user who is not the telescope
This dialog also gives the user the
ability to save and restore the star chart settings to/from a cookie or muffin. It must be understood that
applets save and restore these settings to/from a cookie, and WebApps save and
restore these settings to/from a muffin. While they serve the same purpose,
cookies and muffins are not stored in the same underlying file. Therefore you
cannot save these settings in one type of application, and expect to be able to
restore them in the other type of application. Additionally, the user can
select the number of days for which he/she wants to save this information.
Star Chart
Operator displays the identifier of the user who is in control of
the star chart. If the starchart is running as a standalone application, then
this will be the same as the identifier of the user who logged into the server
from this computer. If the telescope
drive paddle is running, on any computer connected to the server, then the
star chart operator becomes the same user as the user who assumes the role of
the telescopes operator.
Save Settings
saves the current star chart settings to a cookie or muffin. Select the number
of days for which the cookie or muffin should remain active.
Restore Settings
restore the current star chart settings from a cookie or muffin.
Note: If the settings were saved from an applet to a cookie, then those
settings cannot be restored to a WebApp, and vice versa.
The Telescope Drive Paddle
application is designed to allow a user to become the telescope control
operator and control the pointing and tracking drives of a telescope from the
internet. It also allows users who are not the telescope control operator to
monitor the position of the telescope and various characteristics about the
telescope and observatory site. The front end of this application runs on a
clients system as either an applet or a WebApp. It presents the above shown
GUI to the user through which commands that control the currently connected
telescope drive (or simulator) are entered or buttons clicked. The commands
that are entered, or buttons clicked on, are sent back to a servlet that is
running on the server. This servlet in turn relays most of these commands on to
an ASCOM telescope driver, or it may execute them directly within a Java
telescope simulator, depending on what the telescope control operator has
selected to use. As the telescope driver, or simulator, tracks or slews the
telescope to a requested set of coordinates, the servlet monitors its position
and sends this information back to the various client Telescope Drive Paddle
applications that are connected to the servlet.
For most users, the buttons and
fields which control the pointing of the telescope, or setup information about
the observatory, will be disabled and grayed out. Only for the telescope control operator will these buttons
be enabled. Most users can simply observe this application, and monitor its
readouts and other information about the status of the telescope, time, other
users on site, and select update rates.
The Telescope Drive Paddle
application can never be operated as a stand-alone application. All Telescope Drive Paddle applications are
slaved to the settings and control of the telescope drive paddle application
that is under the control of the telescope operator. If no user has assumed the
role of the telescope control operator, then any Telescope Drive Paddle
application which are running will be fairly non-functional, telescope position
readouts are meaningless and do no update, interface settings and observatory
settings are also disable. About the only thing that will work is the time
displays, and the ability to select a new telescope control operator. So about
the first thing a user should do, upon starting this application, is to check
to see if there is a current telescope control operator, or to coordinate with
other users on site to determine who should assume this role. However, DO NOT
assume the role of a telescope control operator, without notifying other users
of your intention. To do so will disable the stand along capabilities of the
star chart applications and the camera and image viewer application. The chat application is a good way to
coordinate with other users on the Telescope Control web site.
The drive paddle is organized to
show a number of readouts, the state of the telescope drive, and it allows the telescope operator to control the pointing of
the telescope by using a standard paddle style interface to fine control the
direction of telescope movement. Two additional buttons are available at all
times, one allows the user to invoke the setup dialogs
where further information about the telescope can be seen and set/changed. The other is an application dependent button.
For webapps it allow the user to log out of
the server and shuts down all running webapps. For applets, it allows the user to float the
applet out of the browser in its own window or to un-float the applet and put
it back in the browser environment.
The N, S, E, and W buttons are
enabled only if the user is also the operator
of the telescope. When enabled they are a teal blue color, when disabled they
are gray. When clicked, these buttons will send a command to the telescope
drive servlet to move the telescope a delta amount along the axis that the
button represents. Multiple clicks on a button are accumulative and will
increase or decrease the delta amount as appropriate. To view the delta amount
that will be sent to the telescope drive servlet (when the drive paddle
application next contacts the servlet) hover the mouse over the button and wait
for the tool tip info to pop up. The tool tip will show the current delta for
the axis that the button controls.
The amount of delta applied to a
drive by clicking on these control buttons (N, S, E, and W) can be further
augmented with the use of the Control and Shift keys. Simply clicking on one of
these buttons will cause the telescope to change positions by the smallest
delta amount that its driver allows. Holding down the Control (Cntl) key, while clicking on a button, will increase the
delta by a driver dependent rate for slow slew rates. Holding down the Shift
key, while clicking on a button, will increase the delta by a driver dependent
rate for medium slew rates. And holding down both the Control and the Shift key
simultaneously, will increase the delta by a driver dependent rate for fast slew
LST Displays the Local Sidereal Time for the
telescope observatory.
RA Displays the current Right Ascension position
of the telescope.
Dec Displays the current Declination position of
the telescope.
Az Displays the current Azimuth position of the
Alt Displays the current Altitude position of the
Tracking Green light indicates the telescope is in track
mode. White light indicates it is not in track mode.
Slewing Green light indicates the telescope is in slew
mode. White light indicates it is not in slew mode.
N Moves the telescope by increasing its
E Moves the telescope by decreasing its right
S Moves the telescope by decreasing its
W Moves the telescope by increasing its right
Stop This button sends a high priority message
immediately (does not wait for the normal timer) to the server to stop all
movement of the telescope.
Setup Opens the Setup dialog window.
Logoff/Float/Un-Float Depending on the type of application (applet or
WebApp) this button can log the user off the server and shut down all running
webapps, or it can float a applet in its own window or un-float it an run it in
the browser environment. (see above.)
Brings up a popup menu that allows the user to see the documentation from a
browser, supply feedback, or see the version information about this
The Setup dialog is divided into
four parts. The first part shows the site information about the observatorys
latitude, longitude, and elevation and allows the telescope operator to set
these values for the simulators, or for example, if the telescope is
connected to the server, then this shows the position of the
The second section summarizes
information about the telescope to which the drive paddle is currently
connected to. Here it displays the aperture and focal length of the telescope,
the site latitude, longitude and elevation, and the name and version of the
telescope driver that is being used to connect to, or simulate the telescope.
For the simulators, the operator can also set the alignment mode of the
telescope to simulate. If the drive paddle application is connected to a real
telescope, then the alignment mode is not settable, it simple shows the type of
alignment used by the telescope.
The third section shows the ASCOM
telescope drive capabilities that the current telescope driver has. There are
not directly settable, but for a simulator are changeable via the telescope simulator interface setup dialog.
The last section shows the time
zone for the telescope observatory, and again shows the ASCOM telescope driver
version and name.
Latitude sets or shows the latitude position of the
telescope observatory to which the drive paddle is connected to.
Longitude sets or shows the longitude position of the
telescope observatory to which the drive paddle is connected to.
Elevation sets or shows the elevation (in meters) of the
telescope observatory to which the drive paddle is connected to.
Close Convenience button to close the Setup Dialog
Cancel click to cancel any changes made and restore
them to their previous state that was last sent to the server.
Alt-Azimuth toggle button which sets (simulator) or shows
(actual) the alignment mode of the telescope.
Equatorial toggle button which sets (simulator) or shows
(actual) the alignment mode of the telescope.
Equatorial toggle button which
sets (simulator) or shows (actual) the alignment mode of the telescope.
Can Find Home checked if the telescope driver can execute a
command for telling the telescope to find its home position.
Can Park checked if the telescope driver can execute a
command to tell the telescope to go to its parked position.
Can Set
Tracking checked if the
telescope driver can be told to set the telescope to tracking mode.
Can UnPark
checked if the telescope driver can execute a command to unpark
the telescope.
Can Slew checked if the telescope driver can execute a
command to set the telescope to slew mode.
Can Slew
Asynchronous checked if the
telescope driver can execute other commands while the telescope is slewing.
Can Sync checked if the telescope driver can synchronize
its position with a target position. In other words, it can change/synchronize
its position readouts with/to a target position.
The drive and simulator setup
dialog provides a set of controls for selecting a telescope driver for connecting
the drive application to. Currently, the user can select between one of two
simulators or the actual telescope drive at the observatory. The primary
purpose of having the two simulators is to provide an infrastructure for the
testing and development of the software for the telescope control applications.
However users can also use them for learning how to use the applications
without having to worry about doing any damage to a real telescope. The
simulators are designed to simulate, as realistically as possible, the driving
of a telescope including ramp up and down rates, slew speeds, and tracking.
The simulator interface
capabilities are only enabled when a simulator is being used. They are disabled
when an actual telescope is connected. These checkboxes allow the user to turn
on or off various capabilities of a simulation of a telescope driver. Be
warned, turning off some of these will result in error and warning messages
showing up in the server messages dialog, and
that is to be expected. Dont worry no real harm is being done; this just
confirms the proper operation of the telescope drivers and servlets.
The difference between the Java
simulator and the ASCOM simulator
is in how each was implemented. The Java version is a simulator that was
written strictly with the Java language and runs entirely within the context of
the telescope drive servlet. The ASCOM simulator is a COM object that was
supplied by the ASCOM development group and was implemented in another language
(probably Visual Basic). The telescope drive servlet communicates with the
ASCOM simulator via a special software dispatcher and the ASCOM simulator (DLL
file) handles the actual tasks of simulating a telescope. When the drive
application is connected to a real telescope at the observatory, the telescope
driver will also be written as an ASCOM object and communications between it
and the drive servlets will also be handled by this same software dispatcher.
Thus the ASCOM simulator allows testing and development to take place using the
software dispatcher in the telescope driver servlet on the server.
When the actual telescope driver is
written, and communication between the telescope and the web server is
developed, then the user will also have the ability to connect to the actual
telescope at the observatory and control it from this application. This
connection process will not be instantaneous and the user will have to monitor
the server messages dialog to see when the
connection is completed.
Note: These controls are enabled
only if the user is also the current operator
of the telescope.
Coordinates check if the
simulator should be able to understand equatorial coordinates. Uncheck if you
dont want the simulator to understand equatorial coordinate.
Alt/Az Coordinates
check if the simulator should be able to understand altitude and azimuth
coordinates. Uncheck if you dont want the simulator to understand altitude and
azimuth coordinates.
Lat/Long/Elevation check if the latitude, longitude, and elevation
can be changed in the simulator. Uncheck if you dont want the simulator to
handle changes to these values.
Date/Time (UTC) check if the date and time can be changed for
the simulator. Uncheck if you dont want the simulator to handle changes to
these values. (Simulator will run on the servers clock instead)
Sidereal Time check if the simulator should be able to handle
sidereal time values. Uncheck if you dont want the simulator be able to
calculate sidereal time.
Set Tracking check if the simulator should be able to
receive a command to put it in tracking mode. Uncheck if the simulator cannot
be commanded to go into tracking mode. (the simulator determines automatically
when tracking mode is on.)
Slewing check if the simulator should report when it is
slewing. Uncheck if you dont want the simulator to have the capability of
reporting when it is slewing.
Slewing check if the simulator
can take other commands while it is slewing the telescope. Uncheck if you dont
want to simulator to take other commands while it is slewing. Note: this is only a performance enhancement
for the servlets, in Telescopes case, users cannot send
commands from the applications to the servlet asynchronously.
Matching (sync) check if the
simulator can move the telescope automatically (synchronize) to a given target
coordinate. Uncheck if the telescope must be commanded using a slew command to
move the telescope to a target coordinate.
Parking/Unpark check is the simulator should be able to
understand a Park or Unpark command. Uncheck if you dont want the simulator to
understand a Park or Unpark command.
Alignment mode check if the simulator should simulate a
telescope that has an alignment mode setting. Uncheck if you dont want the
simulator to simulate a telescope with this capability.
Focal Length
and Aperture check if the
simulator can report the focal length and aperture of the telescope. Uncheck if
you dont want the simulator to have the capability of reporting the focal
length and aperture of a telescope.
The Java
Version of the Simulator check
this toggle button if you want to use the Java simulator on the server.
Version of the Simulator check
this toggle button if you want to use the ASCOM simulator and COM dispatcher on
the server.
Driver for the telescope at
Close Convenience button to close the Setup Dialog
Cancel click to cancel any changes made and restore
them to their previous state that was last sent to the server.
The Time dialog is pretty much a
self explanatory display of looking at time in various ways. These displays are
provided simply for the users convenience and are based on the time settings of
your computer. The Local Time and the Telescope Time are based on a time zone
and have little to do with the pointing of a telescope. It the telescope is
located in a different time zone than the one the user is, then select a city
from the pull down list that resided within the telescopes time zone and the
application will show the Telescope Time for that time zone. Solar Time is provided for interest only, and
shows what is the real sun based time for the observatory, at its given longitude. UTC and Telescope Sidereal Time are the
only useful times used in the software for pointing and tracking with the
telescope. From these values, actual star positions can be obtained.
In the future, I plan to synchronize these
with a web based atomic clock, but that is a low priority project for right
Close Convenience button to close the Setup Dialog
The control setup dialog provides a
set of control inputs for managing the telescope drive. Here the user can input
right ascension and declination coordinates or altitude and azimuth
coordinates, slew the telescope to those coordinates, move the telescope to a
park position, and attempt to immediately stop the telescope should an
emergency arise. Also, this dialog provides the ability to switch the control
of the telescope drive between the star chart
and this drive paddle application. With the drive paddle in control of the
telescope, the user has the ability to use the coordinate input fields in this
dialog or the paddle application buttons
to control where the telescope is pointed. With the star chart in control of
the telescope, the user will also have the ability to input coordinates for
where to point the telescope via the star charts view controls. Additionally, with the
star chart in control of the telescope, the user has the ability to control
where the telescope is pointed, simply by pointing
and clicking on objects within the star chart view itself.
Note: These controls are enabled
only if the user is also the current operator
of the telescope.
Right Ascension these input text fields allow the user to input
the right ascension coordinates of where he/she wishes to slew the telescope
to. These fields can be directly edited, or the user may use the pull down
menus which supply the valid range of values and select the appropriate value.
Declination these input text fields allow the user to input
the declination coordinates of where he/she wishes to slew the telescope to.
These fields can be directly edited, or the user may use the pull down menus
which supply the valid range of values and select the appropriate value.
Format This toggle button
changes the Right Ascension and Declination inputs fields to allow the user to
input these fields in hours, minutes, and seconds or degrees, minutes, and
seconds respectively. The image below shows this layout.
Decimal Format This toggle button changes the Right Ascension
and Declination input fields to allow the user to input these fields in a
decimal format. (with 4 decimal places) The image below shows this layout.
Altitude these input text fields allow the user to input
the altitude coordinates of where he/she wishes to slew the telescope to. These
fields can be directly edited, or the user may use the pull down menus which
supply the valid range of values and select the appropriate value.
Azimuth these input text fields allow the user to input
the azimuth coordinates of where he/she wishes to slew the telescope to. These
fields can be directly edited, or the user may use the pull down menus which
supply the valid range of values and select the appropriate value.
Format This toggle button
changes the Altitude and Azimuth inputs fields to allow the user to input these
fields in degrees, minutes, and seconds. The image below shows this layout.
Decimal Format This toggle button changes the Altitude and
Azimuth input fields to allow the user to input these fields in a decimal
format. (with 4 decimal places) The image below shows this layout.
Slew Commands the telescope to slew to the target
Paddle Control This toggle button places the drive paddle (this
application) in control of the telescope drive. When this is selected, many of
the control functions in the star chart will be disabled.
Star Chart
Control This toggle button
places the star chart application in control of the telescope drive. When this
is selected, many of the controls in this dialog and within the rest of the
drive paddle application will be disabled.
Park Moves the telescope to its park position where
it is normally stowed.
Emergency Stop This button sends a high priority message
immediately (does not wait for the normal timer) to the server to stop all
movement of the telescope.
Close Convenience button to close the Setup Dialog
The message dialog box is used to
display important telescope status messages and other server side events which
may arise. Such events as the change of
operators, telescope modes, and errors which
may occur in the telescope drivers may be displayed here. All messages are
delivered with the highest priority to the user with operator control
privileges, and to all other users on a time and bandwidth available basis.
Close Convenience button to close the Setup Dialog
Clear Clears all messages from the message display
The Telescope Users dialog displays
all the users currently logged into the Telescope Control web server. It shows
members as well as guests visiting the web site, the current telescope and
camera control operator(s), and it allows for the selection of a new telescope
operator. The telescope control web servlet uses the following set of rules to
determine when the ability to select a new operator is enabled, and it
determines what names will be added to the pull down menu for the selection of
a new telescope operator.
Observatory members are always
added to the list of allowable operators. If the telescope is connected to a
simulator, and no member is logged into the website, then guest names are added
to the list of allowable operators. When a member logs in, then the ability for
a guest to select a new operator is disabled. The members will still see a list
of allowable operators that is composed of both other members and the guests. A
member can assume the operators role at any time, and can transfer the role of
the operator to another member or a guest. If the operators role is
transferred to a guest, while members are also logged in, then the new operator
selection will be enabled for that guest only, but the guest will only see a
list of allowable operators that are members, to which he or she can transfer
control back to.
It is important to remember that
once someone assumes the role of the telescope operator then a number of
changes occur, throughout all the applications that are connected to the
server. The functionality of all other drive paddles applications, that involve
the telescope control and movement, is disabled, except the Emergency Stop
function on members drive paddle applications. All star chart applications are
immediately slaved to the telescope control application, and all controls
within those star chart applications, associated with telescope control and
movements, are disabled. (The telescope control operator can transfer the
ability to control the telescope to his/her star chart application, or back
again.) The camera controls also are disabled until there is both a telescope
operator and a camera operator. The telescope supplies position information to
the camera application, so thus it must be either in simulation mode or online.
Operator Displays the user
identifier who has assumed the role of the telescope operator. This is visible
to all users at all times.
Camera Operator
Displays the user identifier who has assumed the role of the
camera operator.
Members On
Site Displays (a scrollable
list if necessary) of all members currently logged in to the web server.
Select New
Operator A generated pull down
list of user identifiers that the user may transfer telescope control to. This
may be disables under certain conditions, as described above.
Guests On Site Displays ( a scrollable list if necessary) of
all guest identifiers currently logged in to the web server.
Close Convenience button to close the Setup Dialog
The misc
setup dialog is a place for features that cannot be categorized as belonging to
other dialog groupings. Currently it has a slider which can be set to suggest
an update rate at which the user would like to send information to the
telescope drive servlet. (And get updated responses back from the servlet)
However, this is only a suggestion to the drive servlet, if the drive servlet
is getting overwhelmed with update requests, it may automatically increase the
lower bounds at which the fastest updates can be made. The default lower bound
is 1 second, and the default rate it is set to at startup is 10 seconds. I
dont recommend trying to run it faster, unless you are the telescope control
operator and need the increased speed for some extraordinary reason.
(Eventually I will give the telescope operator special privileges to lower this
setting at the expense of all other users who will then have their update rates
automatically increased to accommodate the telescope operators increased need
of the servlets bandwidth.)
Soon to be added to this dialog
will be the ability to save and restore the drive paddle settings to/from
cookies and muffins.
Update Rate This slider
controls the rate at which the application will attempt to send and receive
data to/from its servlet. This is settable in seconds, and is displayed both by
the position of the movable slider, and by the text field under the Update Rate
Close Convenience button to close the Setup Dialog
The Camera Controller and Image
Viewer application is currently under development. Therefore, all images and
documentation in this section is highly subject to change. As I get this
application working, this section will stabilize and I will remove this notice.
The CCD Camera Controller and Image
Viewer application is organized into 4 basic sections. At the top is a section
containing controls which relate to the status of the camera application and
its performance. The camera status offline, simulation, or online is displayed.
Two slider controls, and readouts, allow the user to suggest a rate at which
he/she would like to send information to the camera servlet and receive updates
from it, and to set the quality of the image
that is generated for each request. The percent of quality for the image
is directly related to the size of the image (in bytes) that is generated. For
slow dialup access lines connecting the application to the internet, this
quality should be set as low as is tolerable, otherwise you will be held up waiting
for the download of the next camera image. Note: the timer which controls the
request rate for sending information to the camera servlet does not start until
after the completion of receiving all data from the previous request. Therefore
the actual rate of updates is the sum of the download time, plus the user
requested rate of updating, plus the servlets time to process each request. If
the servlet is getting to many requests from all users, it will automatically
slow down the rate at which images can be requested, thus balancing the amount
of bandwidth it has with all the users.
Then next section contains a
scrollable panel holding the images that are generated from the camera servlet.
Clicking on an object in the image will cause the camera servlet to compute and
generate the RA, Dec, and CCD pixel value for that coordinate in the image.
This information will be displayed in the CCD Camera Messages area of the CCD Camera Exposure Control dialog
area, and in the CCD SkyView dialog for the RA,
Dec, and Value readouts, if the image was generated from the NASA SkyView
The third section contains
information that was generated about the image that the servlet sent to this
application. This includes a progress bar that indicates the percentage of
bytes received for the image as it is being downloaded from the server. Next to the progress bar is a status light
for the image. When an object in the image
is clicked on, this status light will turn red and stay red until the
information about the location and value of the object is actually sent to the
camera servlet. At that point it will turn green again. Also included in the
third section is basic information about the image, such as the CCD exposure
time and type, filter identifier, size
of the image (in bytes), the server supplied name for the image, and the users
(or operators) name for the image. A Capture Image button is also provided
here for the users convenience. This button commands the server to send an
email to the user with the currently displayed image as an attachment.
The last section contains a tabbed
set of dialogs for setting various different functions of the camera and image
viewer application, and for getting information and displaying it, from the
servlet. Each of these dialogs will be described in further detail, in the next
few sections of this document.
Camera Status - Displays the status of the camera. These
values include Offline, Simulation, or Online.
Depending on the type of application (applet or WebApp) this
button can log the user off the server and shut down all running webapps, or it
can float a applet in its own window or un-float it an run it in the browser
environment. (see
Brings up a popup menu that allows the user to see the documentation from a
browser, supply feedback, or see the version information about this
Image Quality - This slider controls the quality
of the JPG images that the server will produce and send to this application.
Values range from 0 to 100 percent and are displayed both by the position of
the movable slider, and by the text field next to the Image
Quality label.
Update Rate This slider
controls the rate at which the application will attempt to send and receive
data to/from its servlet. This is settable in seconds, and is displayed both by
the position of the movable slider, and by the text field next to the Image Update Request Rate label.
CCD Exposure
Time - This displays the
amount of time the CCD camera was exposed for generating the displayed image.
If the image was generated from the NASA SkyView server, then this field will
be set to unknown.
CCD Exposure
Type This displays the type of the CCD exposure for the generated
image. Normally this will be set to Object.
This displays the type of filter that was used for the generated image. If the
image was generated from the NASA SkyView server, then this field will display
the name of the survey that was used to generate the image.
Image Size
This displays the size of the displayed JPG image sent from the server.
Image Name
This displays the server generated name for the displayed image. This name may
be selected by the operator, come from the FITS header of the image, or may be
an autogenerated image name.
User Name
The name of the generated image assigned by the user. This reflects the
settings as chosen in the CCD Camera
Image Control dialog.
Capture Image
This sends an immediate request to the server to have it email the generated
image to the user. The settings for the emailed image are controlled in the CCD Camera Image Control dialog.
The CCD Camera Exposure Controls
dialog allows the user to setup the CCD camera for taking an exposure, the type
of exposure, select filters if any are available, read messages from the
server, and to actually command the CCD camera to expose and take a picture of
the object in the sky where the telescope is currently pointing.
A good short description on CCD
camera techniques can be seen at
Note: These controls are only
enabled only for the user who has assumed the role of the camera control
operator. For all other users, these controls will be disabled, but messages
from the server will still be displayed, and the Exposure Type section will
show what type of exposure the CCD camera is taking.
Exposure Type
Object the CCD is cleared, the
shutter is opened for a defined amount of time, the shutter is closed, and the
CCD is read out. This is the typical exposure for taking an actual image. When
the exposure is completed, the raw image data is displayed in the image view
Exposure Type
Light the shutter is opened for
a defined amount of time and then closed, but there is no clear or read out of
the CCD.
Exposure Type
Bias the CCD is cleared, and
immediately read out with out opening the shutter (effectively, a 0 time DARK).
Exposure Type
Dark the CCD is cleared, there
is a delay for Exposure Time amount of time, during which the shutter is kept
closed, and then the CCD is read out.
Exposure Type Flat
the CCD is cleared, the shutter is opened for a defined amount of
time, the shutter is closed, and the CCD is read out. It
corresponds to the image of a uniformly illuminated field which is the clear
sky background (near the Zenith) 30 ' - 60 ' after the sunset.
Exposure Time sets the time the shutter is opened for Object,
Light, and Flat exposures, and the delay time for Dark exposures.
Delay Time if non-zero, this starts the camera to take a
repeat sequence of exposures, and this sets the delay time between each
exposure. To stop the repeating sequence of exposures, simply set the delay
time to zero.
Filter if a filter wheel is attached to the CCD
camera, this allows the operator to select a filter to use for the exposure.
The values in the pull down menu are dependent upon the values defined in the
underlying CCD driver.
CCD Camera
Messages text area where
messages from the CCD camera servlet are displayed.
Expose click to start an exposure.
STOP emergency high priority button which
immediately stops the current CCD camera operation.
The CCD Camera Image Controls
dialog allows the user to setup parameters for capturing an image off the
server and having it emailed. Here the user can define file naming conventions,
select a format and quality of the image, attach notes to be emailed along with
the image (and possibly inserted into a FITS Header), as well as the email URL
where the image is to be sent. We use this method of capturing images from the
telescope, since Java applets and applications do not normally have permissions
to write directly to a users disk.
The server will capture and
temporarily store each image from the camera (or the SkyView simulator) to its
local disk, and uses a date/timestamp naming convention for each image file.
When the user selects to send an image to some URL, he/she has the option of
simply using this server generated file name for the image file that will be
sent. Or, the user can define a filename for the each image that is captured,
and optionally append an incrementing suffix to the name to differentiate them.
Be absolutely certain the email URL
addresses you enter are correct. Multiple email addresses can be entered,
simply separate them with a semi colon. There is no way the mail server can inform
you or the camera servlet if an email address is incorrect, and the mail server
will simply drop any bounced or return emails into the bit bucket. Also, try to
capture and send any images you want quickly. Even if you select to hold an
image for viewing, the server will only retains the images, actually captured
from a real camera, on its disk drives for a short period of time, then
automatically deletes them in order to recover the disk space. Images that are
captured from NASAs SkyView, while the camera is in simulation mode, are
deleted as soon as the next image is acquired. (A future feature may have the
servlet send you a confirmation or error message to the CCD message text area, if it was able
to hand off the image to the mail server successfully, or not. However, this
feature is very difficult to add at the current time, so is on hold. )
Use Server
generated filenames toggle button that will cause the servlet to
send you the image using the automatically generated filenames for each image
it sends.
Use User
generated filenames toggle
button that allows the user to enter their own file names in the Name field
located just below this button. Each time the user captures an image, this name
(with an optional auto incrementing suffix will be sent to the server to use
for the file name that it emails out. Dont enter a file type suffix; this will
be done automatically for you.
Auto generate
file suffix check this box if
you want the automatically generate an incrementing suffix for the name of each
image that you capture.
FITS toggle button to select sending files in the
FITS format.
JPG toggle button to select sending files in the
JPG format.
GIF toggle button to select sending files in the
GIF format.
Enter Email URL the email addresses of where you wish to send
the images as they are captured.
Notes Free form text area where you can enter any
notes you wish about the next image you are capturing. These will be sent along
with the image email, and placed in the comment area of the FITS header if you
select to send the image in that format.
The CCD SkyView Controls are
activated, for all users when the camera is offline. They are always activated
for the camera operator. These controls allow the user to use the NASA SkyView
server as a source for images, instead of a real CCD camera. To use the SkyView
controls, the user must select and set a number of options which the NASA
SkyView server needs in order for it to generate an image. These options include the selections of a
survey database, a projection to use for the image, the coordinate epoch, what
form of image intensity scaling to use, the RA/Dec coordinates or object name
to center the image on, the field of view size in degrees, and the generated
image size in pixels. All of these options must be selected before the Submit
button will be activated. Once activated, the user can click on the Submit
button, which will then cause this application to retrieve all of these
settings, pass them on the camera servlet, where it is relayed on to the NASA
SkyView Server. When the NASA SkyView Server has completed the generation of
the requested image, it will pass it back to the camera servlet, where it is
than passed back to this application for display.
The current settings for the
Survey, Projection, Coordinate Epoch, and Scaling are selected from popup menus
associated with the corresponding buttons, and these selections are displayed
in a corresponding text field area within the Current Selections: panel. The
Image Selection text box area shows this information about the currently
displayed image, if it came from the NASA SkyView server, regardless of whether
the user or the camera operator requested the image.
(Not yet implemented) If the user uses the mouse to click on an
object in the image, then the RA, Dec, and image pixel value of that location
will be calculated and displayed in the area below the Image Selection text
box. An additional button will be added to allow the user to select a catalog
to base the computation of these coordinates on.
Brings up a set of popup menus from which a SkyView survey can be selected for
generation of an image.
Brings up a popup menu from which a projection type can be selected for
generation of an image.
Coord. Epoch
Brings up a popup menu from which an epoch can be selected upon which to base
the coordinated of the generated image.
Brings up a popup to select the type of intensity scaling to use for the
generated image.
Brings up a dialog box (shown below) which allows the user to input the RA and
Dec coordinates to center the generated image on. This dialog box allows the
user to enter these coordinates in sexagismal format
or in decimal format.
Brings up a dialog box (shown below) which allows the user to input a name of
an object upon which to center the generated image on. The NASA SkyView server
will attempt to resolve the name using common catalog designations. Typical
names that I know work are common star names, Messier names, and NGC names. WARNING If the NASA SkyView server fails to recognize a
name, there is no image generated, an what is worse, no indication that a
failure occurred. Therefore the user may be left waiting for quite some time
before realizing that a problem has occurred.
Size in Degrees
The sets the field of view size, in degrees for the generated
image. This value must be in decimal notation such as 1.5 and is passed
directly to the NASA SkyView server without doing any format checks. WARNING if the NASA SkyView server fails to recognize the
value, there is no image generated, and no indications that a failure
occurred. ALSO some bit of common sense
is required in selecting the field of view size, as it is based on the type of
survey is being used. For example a 10 degree field of view generated from the
Digitized Sky Survey is going to take an extremely long time to generate
(hours) while for one of the radio or XRay surveys it
may be a reasonable value. If you dont know what is a
reasonable value for the survey, check the default box next to this
field and let the NASA SkyView server figure out a reasonable value for you.
X Pixel in
size, Y Pixel in size These fields allow the user to input the
size of the generated image in pixels. These must be integer values and again
reasonable common sense should be exercised.
Selection Coordinates Displays the selected epoch basis used for
the SkyView server to use in understanding the RA/Dec coordinates inputted by
the user.
Selection Projection Displays the selected type of projected
requested by the user.
Selection Survey: - Displays the selected survey requested by the
Current Selection
Scaling: - Displays the selected intensity scaling requested by the
Image Selection
Displays information about the currently displayed SkyView image.
RA: -
Displays the computed Right Ascension of an object in the image that was
clicked on by the user.
Dec: -
Displays the computed Declination of an object in the image that was clicked on
by the user.
Value: -
Displays the pixel value at the location clicked on, in the image, by the user.
The Camera Users dialog displays
all the users currently logged into the Telescope Control web server. It shows
members as well as guests visiting the web site, the current telescope and
camera control operator(s), and it allows for the selection of a new camera
operator. The camera control web servlet uses the following set of rules to
determine when the ability to select a new operator is enabled, and it
determines what names will be added to the pull down menu for the selection of
a new telescope operator.
Observatory members are always
added to the list of allowable operators. If the camera is connected to a
simulator, and no member is logged into the website, then guest names are added
to the list of allowable operators. When a member logs in, then the ability for
a guest to select a new operator is disabled. The members will still see a list
of allowable operators that is composed of both other members and the guests. A
member can assume the operators role at any time, and can transfer the role of
the operator to another member or a guest. If the operators role is
transferred to a guest, while members are also logged in, then the new operator
selection will be enabled for that guest only, but the guest will only see a
list of allowable operators that are members, to which he or she can transfer
control back to.
It is important to remember that
once someone assumes the role of the camera operator then a number of changes
occur, throughout all the applications that are connected to the server. The
functionality of all other camera applications, that involve the camera
control, is disabled, except the Emergency Stop function on members drive
paddle applications.
Camera Operator
Displays the user identifier who has assumed the
role of the camera operator.
Select New
Operator A generated pull down
list of user identifiers that the user may transfer camera control to. This may
be disables under certain conditions, as described above.
Operator Displays the user
identifier who has assumed the role of the telescope operator. This is visible
to all users at all times.
Status Displays the current status of the telescope, i.e. Offline,
Simulation or Online.
Members On
Site Displays (a scrollable
list if necessary) of all members currently logged in to the web server.
Guests On Site Displays ( a
scrollable list if necessary) of all guest identifiers currently logged in to
the web server.
The applet which supports the chat,
white board and message board was developed by a third party called GroupBoard. It is an evaluation copy
(shareware) which I have installed for the group to use and evaluate. If we
like it, and wish to purchase it, then we will have access to all of its
features, and they promise to disable the annoying advertising popups that go along with the free version of their
product. Rather than document this here, just click on this link and read the
documentation they supply at their web site. Like all the other applets for the telescope
control web site, this one supports the ability to float it off of the web page
an run it independently from the browser. It also automatically logs you in to
their chat server, using the id that was assigned to you when you logged into
the website.
While not directly related to the
control of the telescope or its instruments, it is a good idea to bring this
application up first so that you can see who all is on the web site and find
out what they are up to. It also lets other users know that you are on site. If
you become an operator of either the telescope or the camera, then it is almost
mandatory that you bring up this application and monitor it, so other may
communicate with you, if need be. Otherwise you risk making some other users
very irritated with you. As with all chat rooms, observe common etiquette
rules, and please keep the subject of your conversations focused on the
telescope operation and related topics.
There is no WebApp version of this
yet. I plan to develop a WebApp that will simply launch this applet within your
browser. This is not as good as a real WebApp, but it is a reasonable workaround.
(Maybe I can talk the folks at GroupBoard to create a
WebApp version of their code.)
Included on the web page that
launches this applet are links to the documentation, and a link that can bring
up the admin panel shown below. This admin panel is password protected (contact
me if you want the password) and can be used to ban or ignore objectionable
users. Again refer to the documentation at the GroupBoard
web site for further information.
We are using Bugzilla
to serve as a holder for tasks, bugs, milestones and other goals that need to
be accomplished in order to call this project complete. It is a dynamic list
that will grow and shrink over the course of time, and hopefully will one day
no longer be needed. Some of the items
are simple, others difficult, some overlap, some need money, some are dependent
on hardware devices, and a few are just whines and wishes
These are just a free think mind dump and it
is not really meant to be understandable, but it does give some feeling for
what still needs to be done. If you are curious and want more information, just
ask and I will fill your head with geek speak!
Feel like volunteering?
Good luck and I hope you will enjoy our website, working with the telescope(s), and your browsers new capabilities and desktop applications that we provide! If you encounter any problems or got a wish for a feature not covered above, in the To Do section, send me an email. Marc (Telescope Org's webmaster...) |